Eager to provide you with access to the most inspiring resources, we invited a series of Romanian HR experts to share their experience in engagement generating programs. Among the useful tools and solutions they tested themselves, several directions can be branched out into tactical engagement generating actions.
Although they are based on a company specific characteristic which guarantees the high quality of the insight, these actions can be declined and adapted for different areas.
The material that we offer you as a source of inspiration for future actions for increasing the involvement and performance level of our employees, is part of a larger series that includes useful HR tools and successfully tested solutions under the title "Resourceful ideas".
You may find an excerpt below and you can click on the link for downloading the complete material at the end of this article.
Competitions stimulate competitiveness and develop commitment thanks to the opportunity offered to employees of presenting and putting their ideas into practice, so there's no surprise that many proposals received from HR experts are in this direction. Competitions can take various forms, they can have a financial stake or not, and they can be directly related to employment or not - it is important that by their nature they improve specific employee skills and generate involvement in the organization life and reveal latent talents.
The ideas previously tested by the HR managers according to the levels these can be developed from the professional one (directly linked to the job) to the personal one (such as hobbies for instance) can be found grouped below.
The best manager
A competition aimed directly at managers where the employees are the jury whose mission is to designate, based on certain criteria and via a predetermined voting system, the manager with the most qualities and who succeeds in generating commitment in their organization. A boss who cares about the team and about each member, who isn't interested solely in numbers and procedures, is an essential ingredient in creating a positive work environment.
Company glue
A competition that designates the best connector employee. Cross-functionality is one of the hottest trends in HR, but the benefits of this trend are so obvious that cross-collaboration programs were quickly adopted by the Romanian companies. Studies show that employees involved in such programs are 44% more loyal to companies, which they aren't willing to leave for a less than 20% pay rise.
Q employee
A member of the team/department is quarterly nominated by colleagues for special merits according to criteria that are relevant to their working environment (they can be both professional and personal qualities). Individual votes are compiled and the result is communicated publicly, ideally via an internal online platform that allows real-time viewing. Public recognition is an important part of the process.
Sweet Bucket Challenge
Organized in a gamified form, this type of competition helps strengthen engagement in tactical actions such as completing a survey or performing a certain task. The departments name each other for the challenge in a fun and creative way (mannequin challenge, dancing, mime, etc.). The reward consists of buckets of candy, the main ingredients for releasing the hormones of happiness - dopamine and serotonin.
Logo/motto design contests for employee related projects
People like to be involved in things that concern them. When starting a project concerning the employees, they can be involved in the choice of the name, logo/motto based on a competition with prizes. The winners are elected by vote and thus the entire organization feels it has contributed to defining that particular initiative.
"The story of my department" contest
Employees are invited to "tell" in a creative way about the activity the department they work in is responsible for. Their works are then visibly displayed and for a few days employees from different departments visit, admire and make comments on the creations; eventually the most creative work is chosen. The competition generates a lot of fun and good humor, as well as professional pride and employees can get more information about their organization.
Sharing contest
Learning and innovation resource sharing on an internal platform for cross-functional learning between departments. The objective is to give access to personal and professional development resources to a larger number of employees. This competition is based on a voting system focusing on the relevance of the content that is shared with colleagues. For consistency, the prize offered to the winners may consist of an unusual training, such as Horse-Eye Leadership, which is based on learning through direct experience and interaction with horses.
Battle of the Branches
A competition that aims stimulating engagement through having fun. It isn't based on any business indicators, but, from experience, professional performance indicators will emerge in no time. On a monthly basis, the teams are sent a “challenge”; the winner is elected by vote. Examples: "the most creative surprise ever made to another team" or "the best song sung in a choir" etc.
Theme competitions
Accelerates team cohesion and creates commitment through having fun. The themes can vary from "guess the character" (creative images where the coworker's face isn't visible and only by paying close attention to details it can be recognized) to poetry - the funniest poetry on colleagues, department, etc. wins.
Selecting the Champions of change
Setting up an internal platform that integrates evaluations received from members of the organization regarding various decisions/actions taken by colleagues that lead to positive changes. Those receiving the most likes (monthly/quarterly/ half-yearly etc.) are awarded by the management team.
Creative or innovative incubators
Setting up a creation or innovation unit within the organization where a group of people is in charge of suggesting ideas for internal competitions that can generate commitment on a monthly basis. The group may have a permanent structure or may be formed by employee rotation.
Public speaking contest
This is an initiative that can help employees gain more control over their goals, increase their persuasive power, gain more confidence in their own strengths, and communicate with others more easily.
Internal TEDx
A concept similar to the well-known TED, in which employees take the stage to present their hobbies or interesting concepts from business areas, economics education, parenthood, well-being, etc. It is an excellent opportunity to discover one's colleagues and their passions but also to practice personal leadership. As a motivation, the competition component with prizes and judging on different categories that have an impact: innovation, efficiency, popularity may be added to the concept. The presentations are video registered and then shared for more recognition on internal and external sharing platforms.
Talent contest
This type of activity can help to get to know others better, discovering personal talents and improving communication at work. The areas that can be approached are very diverse: photography, drawing, painting, dancing, music, design, fashion, etc.
Hobby communities
Create communities by aggregating passions shared by employees. This type of action works as a strong bond between colleagues and develops a long-term commitment due to the personal dimension involved. Competitions can be organized for “the most active community”, and the company can sponsor the popular clubs and initiatives among employees.